AADHum-1 Hip Hop Archives: How Academia Preserves Rap Music’s Legacy | Kevin Winstead How would Atlanta look if you used Black oral history in rap as a starting place?
AADHum-1 Of the Meaning of Progress: Digital Studies as Radical Praxis | Kevin Winstead Black DH challenges us to recognize how the work of restorative justice starts not at the finished product, but from the beginning, in both the questions we ask and the scholars we collaborate with.
AADHum-1 Confronting “the Witness”: Encoding Archives of Black Lives | Jessica Lu When we centralize blackness and black lives, it is impossible to ignore how encoding is also a critical site of power.
AADHum-1 Civil Rights and Worker Rights: Digitizing Labor Archives | William Thomas Graduate Assistant William Thomas reflects on his experiences working on AADHum's digitization efforts with the Civil Rights Division records of the George Meany Memorial Archives.
AADHum-1 Answering the Call for Scholarship on Black Lives | Melissa Brown I realized that black technological ability did exist—contrary to the deficiency story told about Black people and digital technology.. What can we learn from the ways that Black people use digital technology?
AADHum-1 Of Wake Work and We Who Would Build: Centralizing Blackness in Digital Work | Notes on AADHum 1 Centering black experience has been my entry point for moving beyond critique to imagine new narratives and inquiry to engage in what I term theorizing beyond gaze—orienting my own work and my hopes for the AADHum Initiative.
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