Black Covid Care Launch Exhibition and Website

December saw the launch of one of AADHum's current Residency projects, Allie Martin's Black Covid Care project!

Black Covid Care Launch Exhibition and Website

We can't say it's been a restful winter at AADHum, but we can say that it's been a great one.  December saw the launch of one of AADHum's current Residency projects, Allie Martin's Black Covid Care.  Built out of Martin's @black.sound.lab, with programming and development support from Andrew Smith of AADHum and Dartmouth's Nikki Stevens, Black Covid Care is a web-based experience that allows users to interactively explore sound and care in Black DC. DC band BOOMscat voices the sonic register powering the Black Covid Care project's virtual exploration of Black community care in the ongoing covid-19 crisis. Check out  Dr. Martin's site here!

On Saturday 12/10, AADHum visited black.sound.lab for a *live performance* of this digital collaboration DC's @stablearts. It was amazing to experience such a dynamic in-person presentation for web-based work.

{Allie Martin, center, pictured with BoomScat}

Click here to learn more about Allie Martin's AADHum residency and the Black Covid Care project— and find more photos from this event on the AADHum Instagram