Greenscreening Diaspora :: Friday, April 28 at 12pm EST (Open Lab ⇢ in-person & streaming)

Guest speaker Dr. Van Tran Nguyen will lead a hands-on video editing workshop showcasing the use of green screen recording as a digital narrative form, highlighting her use of green screen as a medium for diasporic folklore.

Greenscreening Diaspora :: Friday, April 28 at 12pm EST (Open Lab ⇢ in-person & streaming)

FRIDAY, APRIL 28 // 12 - 1:30 pm

MITH | 0301 Hornbake Library (lower-level)

Dr. E.M. Alexander, Assistant Clinical Professor at AADHum & MITH, is excited to present Greenscreening Diaspora — a video production Open Lab!

Guest speaker Dr. Van Tran Nguyen will lead a hands-on video editing workshop showcasing the use of green screen recording as a digital narrative form. She will also discuss her own video practice, highlighting her use of green screen as a medium for diasporic folklore.

This workshop will be offered in-person and also streamed online.

Van Tran Nguyen is Visiting Assistant Professor of Theater Scholarship and Performance Studies in Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies at the University of Maryland College Park. Her research is centered on nostalgia and identity construction, and her artistic practice interrogates race, gender and class through the mechanism of parody. She is influenced by Vietnamese variety shows and rituals from her diasporic community.

To register ⇢ 

Come learn to use a simple green screen both to explore and to express notions of home, place, and diasporic experience...

Poster for Greenscreening Diaspora event with Dr. Van Tran Nguyen