Animate your physical world w/ Snapchat AR ⇢ 2/21 & 3/9

Join us for a series of augmented reality (AR) workshops, offered by AADHum's Visiting Research Professor Andrew W. Smith and sponsored by SnapChat!

Join us for a series of augmented reality (AR) workshops, offered by AADHum's Visiting Research Professor Andrew W. Smith and sponsored by SnapChat!

 At these workshops, participants will be introduced to using Snap's development software. AR is a useful way to offer experiences that amplify elements of physical and digital worlds. Such hybrid experiences are especially important to AADHum's emphasis on blending digital, environmental, and material cultures. 

Tuesday, February 21, 1-3 pm
Thursday, March 9, 1-3 pm

Refreshments will be served.
Come to one or both— we'll do our best to meet you where you are...
Click here to let us know you're coming!

Speaking of AR, from now until March 18, 2023, the Center for Art, Design & Visual Culture (CADVC) at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) is hosting Tahir Hemphill, one of our favorite scholar-technologists working in Black digital humanities today. Amongst other things, Hemphill's research lab and studio develops data visualizations of rap culture and history, for both screen and AR. As CADVC notes:

The exhibit and learning space, “Tahir Hemphill: Rap Research Lab,” showcases an artist who proudly occupies a space that he describes as the “hybrid area between

 art, technology, social engagement, and interdisciplinary research.” A technologist, researcher, facilitator, designer, and artist, Hemphill’s 2021-2023 UMBC faculty fellowship in Visual Arts fosters experimentation and learning through visual and material explorations of geographies of Hiphop... CADVC will also operate as a forum for learning through 'Mapper’s Delight,' a middle-school curriculum designed by Hemphill in collaboration with Verizon Innovative Learning."  Click here to learn more about Hemphill's fantastic series of events.